Become Part of the Coalition Working to Enrich & Cultivate Downtown Newberg!
Our Mission: To make historic downtown Newberg a destination that enriches the lives of those who visit, live, and work here.
We do this through:
Physical improvements
Community events and promotions
Business support

Your membership will continue the good work the Newberg Downtown Coalition has done for our community over the past year:
Wednesday Market: Makers Markets held weekly on Wednesdays (May-September), and one weekend in December. Wednesday Markets regularly draw over 1,000 visitors weekly.
Trick or Treat Street: A volunteer-led event providing safe trick or treating in downtown Newberg. Crossing guards, lighting, photo booths, and enthusiasm abound!
Working with the Cameo on their grant for new seating and other upgrades
Light Up Newberg: In 2020, NDC Installed string lights on the exterior facades of the buildings along E 1st St. The lights Increase ambiance and safety to showcase Historical Downtown Newberg. Newberg also lights up the night with a family-friendly event to kick off the holiday season in Newberg. Public Works partners with NDC and other volunteers to decorate and light the 35+ ft tree, placed In front of the Chehalem Cultural Center.
Marketing: More than 2,300 followers on Facebook, 1,500 on NDC Instagram, 1,900 on Wednesday Market Instagram
Downtown Newberg Merchants hold an Art, Wine & Music event on the First Friday of every month from 5-8 PM, with the exception of July and January. Merchants host visiting artists and beverage vendors.
Promoting downtown retail interests through the Merchant Committee including Small Business Saturday
Participating in a city-sponsored Downtown Parking Study Initiative
NDC is committed to Public Art though a multitude of projects and in partnership with the Newberg Public Arts Council (NPAC). NPAC is installing five sculpture pads in Downtown Newberg, to be used for public art sculptures, to be installed In a two year rotation cycle.
Downtown Beautification Committee planned and executed two volunteer-led Downtown Cleanups in partnership with Public Works and CPRD.
Newberg Downtown Coalition a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit; EIN # 27-1747061;
Address: 210 N Blaine Street, Newberg, OR 97132