NDC is a non-profit organization working towards creating a vibrant and inclusive community in downtown Newberg. We strive to promote local businesses, services, entertainment, and events, while maintaining the unique charm and character of our downtown area. Our dedicated team is committed to making downtown Newberg a destination for all, and we invite you to be a part of our community-building efforts.
At NDC, we organize and facilitate a variety of community events and initiatives throughout the year. Our events include Downtown Cleanups, First Friday ARTwalk, the Newberg Wednesday Market, and the Holiday Market. We also work closely with local businesses and organizations to support and promote their services and products. Through our efforts, we aim to create a thriving and sustainable downtown community that benefits residents, visitors, and businesses alike.
Meet the NDC Board
The members of the NDC Board are all people with a stake in our community, whether they own businesses, do business, live here, or all of the above, they guide the NDC's mission and vision for Downtown Newberg's future.

Branden Andersen | Executive Director
Owner, Newsberg Media LLC
Terry Emery | Board President
Beautification Committee Chair, CPA
Kaytlin Ebora | Board Secretary
Owner, Kayt's Kitchen
Tina Smith | Board Treasurer
Jennifer Sitter | Merchant Committee Chair
Owner, Pulp & Circumstance
Nichole Drew
George Fox University, Vice President People & Culture
Loni Parrish
Owner, ART Elements Gallery | Beautification Committee
Ben Smith
Owner, Newberg Glass Studio
Amanda Houston
UGC Content Creator
Blake Estep
Owner, Expansions Games​